Single Bible Lessons
Download these free standalone Bible study lessons for your personal, small group, or adult Sunday School use. Enjoy and grow in the Lord! |
Overcoming Sin
Sin is a powerful force that we are called on to fight
against every day. But if we try to conquer sin in our own
strength, we are doomed to fail. Fortunately, God had given
us nine sticks of dynamite to explode the hold of the devil
in our lives! |
Overcoming Discouragement
Are you beset by discouragement? Feeling anxious and even
afraid? You don’t have to stay there! Explore four powerful
tools demonstrated through the life of Joshua that can help
you rise above your discouragement. |
Overcoming Fear of the
We all fear what we do not know or do not understand. But
as you stand on the banks of the Jordan with Joshua, you can
learn how to face that fear – and conquer it! |
Understanding Christian Discernment
What is really
involved in Christian discernment? Is it something mystical?
An inner sense? Or is it more practical than that? Here are
the three “D’s” that define discernment
and make it practical in everyday life, plus a study of what
the Bible has to say about good, evil, and wisdom. |
Let Me Entertain You!
Learn how to recognize and avoid three subtle traps a me-centered
culture sets for us that can derail true worship in the church. |
What Makes God
In Revelation, God said that lukewarmness makes him want
to spit! Study three major causes of spiritual lukewarmness – and
how to avoid falling into their traps. |